by Belay Manaye
There are about 75 political parties in Ethiopia, according to the National Electoral Board. This is a huge number. And I think Ethiopia doesn’t require such a huge number of parties. It requires few genuine political parties that could change its politics for the better. Fair enough, the people of Ethiopia want to see few political parties with best political alternatives.
Thus, this number should be reduced, not simply by dissolving them but by bringing them together. I know it is not an easy task. It is a tough one. But it is time to be done, I believe.
For the last years, we have seen different coalitions, fronts, alliances and unions of political parties. However, none lasts long, I can say. The problem of such coalitions, fronts, alliances and unions to break up again is mostly due to the ego of individuals. It is not because of ideology or political programs difference. Besides, most parties are seen lacking internal democracy which cause for further split up.
Now, the present political parties should draw lessons from previous experiences and strive to form better ones, most importantly unions. Whether we believe it or not EPRDF is a strong party. The present opposition parties are not strong enough to compete with it separately. Even for election contests, none of the parties stretched its structure throughout the country. And to lead Ethiopia, a party (parties) should secure the majority vote of Ethiopians. To do this, among other things, it is time for opposition parties to join hands together.
October 22/2014, nine national and region-based opposition parties have agreed to cooperate in selected areas such as election. Such cooperation could be considered as a good initiative. However this cooperation did not include major opposition parties except Semayawi Party. We don’t find other relatively strong political parties such as UDJ and Medrek. I know these parties have been in the process. And at the end, they didn’t sign the agreement. (May be in the future…)
In fact, as I said earlier, political parties better to form unions than mere cooperation and bla bla. Yes, some parties should be ceased through unions. I cannot see any strong reason for their separate existence. Sure, some parties are almost the same in many aspects. For example, what are the major differences among Semayawi, UDJ and AEUP parties, which could be hindrances for forming union? I think, it is only individuals’ self interest (ego) that could hinder the move towards forming union.
Some are arguing that coalitions, fronts, alliances and unions have been tried and it failed. True, many of such attempts were failed. But that doesn’t mean it won’t work anymore! It is a tough task; but it can really work if integrity is there among leaders. And the time is now.
I believe it is really time for political parties to communicate with the public. Yes, it is time to come up with best political alternatives; and in unison. It is not the duty of political parties to sell IDs to those who seek to get visa and collecting money by renting their ‘office’. Such parties should not exist anymore. Hence, genuine parties should not only struggle the ruling party but also such ‘business oriented opposition parties’ too.
I believe it is really time for political parties to communicate with the public. Yes, it is time to come up with best political alternatives; and in unison. It is not the duty of political parties to sell IDs to those who seek to get visa and collecting money by renting their ‘office’. Such parties should not exist anymore. Hence, genuine parties should not only struggle the ruling party but also such ‘business oriented opposition parties’ too.
The People of Ethiopia are still looking for best alternative political party (parties). And yet, there isn’t any strong alternative party. For example, which party has introduced its alternative political programs to the public? Opposing for the sake of opposing never benefits the people. Opposition parties should come up with their alternatives. Party leaders should defeat their ego and work for the people with other parties that have similar programs and ideology.
Needless to say, this regime is a despot. People have anger at EPRDF’s maladministration. Yes, there is anger at the growth of corruption. EPRDF is arresting journalists, politicians, and bloggers, among others. Citizens are fleeing the country. There is extremely poor service provision of electricity, potable water and telecom etc. People would say no to this regime anytime. Yes, riot or protest would happen anytime. In that time, at least there should be a single strong party to manage that revolution or protest. Thus, it is time for opposition parties to join hands together.
Remember that united you stand, divided you fall.
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