Opposition Voice

Opposition Voice

Monday, March 7, 2016

Ethiopianism.tv - News Analysis የዜና ንትርክ CrossTalk February 24, 2016

My comment on the drought in Ethiopia
one of the main reason for drought in Ethiopia is land grabbing by the regime. the regime give only half a hectare for one farmer family. The yield which the farmers get from this land is very small. they are not able to save and store crops for hard time. Even it is not enough to feed the family for the whole year. The Government  instead of selling the land to the foreigners. Mainly for Arabs and India if they gave more land to the farmers they were able to save certain amount of crops for this hard time. In addition even the regime is not able to distribute the food which is donated by international organization. Thousands of tons of food is still on Djibouti port, while Ethiopians are starving. What I understand is this regime systematically killing the nation. the only way to get out of this problem is, to throw this regime by force, our front Ethiopian people patriotic front is fighting to throw the government 
my comment on the ongoing Ethiopian students protest

The ongoing Ethiopian students is good fertile ground for revolution. But to make it nationwide Ethiopians must stand as a whole .they shouldn't protest only for one region or ethnic group .the students who are protesting in Ethiopia raised the question of only one ethnic group,  they are protesting only for Oromo language speakers that is why it is not supported by the rest of the country .if they want to succeed they must raise nationwide slogans and question.

my comment on finance of the Ethiopian government

the government of Ethiopia financial condition is very worst. the regime is highly corrupted. the money is on the account of the individuals who serve the regime. half of the regime yearly budget  comes from donation mainly from western countries .so excessive lack of money by the regime can contribute for revolution. because they are not going to pay salary for Ethiopians in near time .billions of dollars has been stolen by the regime. This regime is good for nothing. they are selling the lands and killing millions of ethiopians.it must go by any means

Ethiopians people patriotic front announcement on the capture of 5 regime intelligence forces

my comment on Ethiopians people patriotic front announcement on the capture of 5 regime intelligence forces

i am very happy that our front has captured 5 high Weyane intelligence service people near to Bahir Dar city. they are my brothers and sisters who are fighting there. but our solders after capturing this people ,they didn't kill them. because we don't believe in killing peoples. if we kill them we get nothing.  but after getting very important secret  information about weyane from them.  this five people get the necessary education about our struggle.  so that they can help the front. that is what we did.so  we are not only talking about our front but really we are fighting the regime. 

my comment on election in Uganda

Yoweri Museveni the president of Uganda is in power for the last 20 years. when he was a rebel fighters against the former president of Uganda Idi Amin, he promised to his people, he will  bring democracy in Uganda. now after 20 years dictatorship when he failed to win in the last election, he jailed the opposition candidate who was fighting with him against Idi Amin. the current regime in Ethiopia also promised democracy for Ethiopia. still they are in power for the last 25 years. we Africans are cheated by our own people. so we are not free. although we say Africa is a free continent from colonialism, the fact is we are still under internal colonial system. so we must fight and throw these dictators and give the power to the people. only that time we are free. the Ethiopian people patriotic front is fighting for the last 16 years for democracy in Ethiopia.

my conclusion about today's news analysis

am calling all Ethiopians worldwide to help and join the Ethiopian people patriotic front. because really we are fighting the regime and our soldiers are paying their life to bring a democracy in Ethiopia.

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