Opposition Voice

Opposition Voice

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

State sponsored pro genocide preaching against one Ethnic (Amhara) by Ethiopian Government in the cyber (paltalk.com)AND ITS CONSEQUENCE


    (@Paltalk messanger-> Africa->Ethiopia->Genocide against oromo and other ethios by minelik )

Historically there was genocide made against Amhara peoples in 1991 by OLF (Oromo Liberation Front) fanatics and the government (TPLF party) in Ethiopia town of Arba gugu , Bedeno , Assebot monster etc…
Recently, the fanatic Oromo peoples in diaspora are supporter of TPLF (ruling party) but they consider themselves as opposition to get asylum in western countries. In fact they are working together to eliminate Amhara ethnic from different part of Ethiopia’s regions.  There have been many action of ethnic cleansing made against Amhara people. (They displaced more than 40,000 from Guraferda town, 20,000 from Benieshangul , Harer, etc.. ) According to the governments its own population statistics the Amhara peoples systematical vanished by 2.4 million in 2010 statistics report.
The irresponsible government has written dozens of factious story for the past 23 years for creating conflict between the ethnic groups, now even the governments perpetuate it in to Universities. It is known that their history of succession to the power (TPLF) was preached hate and division among the Ethiopian ethnics group. There have been many crimes made against Amhara by the ruling party.           By distortion of Ethiopian history, the government (TPLF party), encourages and try create conflict between the two major ethnics groups between Amhara and Oromo. They are preaching pro genocide in the paltalk.com, gave the name “Genocide against Oromo and other ethnic by minilk”. This is an intentional name by distorting the Ethiopian history about Menlek-II , 120 years ago. The main goal of this room is to illuminate Amhara ethnic and the Orthodox Christian church.
 Since the ruling party TPLF is from a minority ethnic called Tigre, (5% of the total population of Ethiopia) they choice creating ethnic tensions to get a demand from the peoples, in between of these conflicts as mediator. However that may have potential cause of genocide in Ethiopia.  Recently government deliberately broadcast by its own state Medias (OTV, ETV, and Amhara TV), propagandas which are two different extreme opposite histories (distortion) to provoke the Oromo peoples against the Amhara peoples.   Fanatic Oromo are inspiring by the government preaching and supporting these, to stay in power by creating such a dangerous situation.
Currently the fanatic Oromo in diaspora are preaching a pro genocide against one ethnic group (Amhara) and one religion (Orthodox Christians). They are preaching, as they don’t want to see people who speak Amharic language in their region, everyone should speak Oromia. because of this dangeros campaign many amharas are suffering all over ethiopia especially in that particular region(oromomia region)
Most of fanatics Oromo are Islamist, they are preaching as they want Islamic Oromia independent, Christianity should be illuminated from Oromo region of Ethiopia.   For your information there are many preaching posted in YouTube.  For example, Jawar Mohamed who is currently attending ‎Graduate study in Columbia University in the City of New York Stanford University   but he is the most Extreme Islam Jihadist who’s trying  to initiate  innocent Ethiopian Muslims to cut the neck of Christians in a place where they are minority part of Ethiopia in his speech for  Muslim conference in USA.

-1 I tried to aware of you about these situations, whose they are preaching a pro genocide in your land by the welfare benefits of Norway and others country.
2-To follow them their  connection to in any extremist , terrorist group, because most of them are Extreme Islamist who are inspired to revenge the ancient Christians History of Ethiopia and create Islamic state of Oromia.  They are supported by Aljazeera media coverage too.
3- Most of the leaders of this group were members of the dictator regime in Ethiopia, and now, in abroad secretly working with Ethiopian government after they have got a political asylum.  For instance, the founders of OLF, now the also create ODF party, they are preparing to go to Ethiopia and working with government, as long as they have a chance to illuminate Amhara ethnic group from Oromia region they are ready to join any force. Thus they don’t have any political or ideological problem with the current ruling party (TPLF) .  for example  Mr. Lencho Leta (from asylum in Norway) is one of them,
4- An agreement made between TPLF and north sudden to give 1600 km broader, 40 km in side Ethiopia land (Amhara Region) , the people of Amhara have being cleaned from the its own ancestors  land ( land of Metema, Kaura , Welkayi -Tsegede ) ,many farmers have been in Sudan prisons too.
5- I tried to give you rough information but these would help your Information Intelligent to make a study and make a close attention about the Ethnic Cleansing, genocidal propagandas against the Amhara Ethnic groups in Ethiopia.

N.B   The Rwanda Genocide has happened after long preaching of pro genocide propaganda against one Ethnic Group.
You can check this evidence

Some Documentary

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